Spare parts request

Fill out the form below to request spare parts for a product no longer covered by warranty.
If your product is still covered by legal warranty, open a warranty assistance request.

Using the Apple Safari browser you may encounter difficulties when sending your request; if this happens, use Fire Fox or Chrome.

    ! All fields are required

    Your name

    VAT or TAX ID


    Your Email

    Your phone

    Product code
    Enter the code of the product for which you need spare parts.
    All our products are identifiable by a unique code which is printed on the packaging, or on a fabric label, or printed on a tag hanging on the product, or printed on a sticker applied to the product.

    Spare parts required (max 1000 chars.)

    Locate the spare parts on the instruction manual supplied in the package (if present) and write the spare part code in the field below. The manual may also be available on page User Manuals And Instructions. If the manual is not available, try to describe the spare parts you need as precisely as possible and with the help of some photographs.

    Spare parts photographs required
    Attach photographs in which it is possible to recognize the required spare parts.
    Accepted formats .PDF .JPG .PNG .MP4 (max 2MB per file).

    To reduce the weight of a photograph or the size of a video you could consult one of the many guides available online, such as How to reduce the weight of a photo | How to reduce the size of a video.

    We are not responsible for any damage to property and / or persons resulting from the use of software and / or online services recommended in the guides we have suggested, and the use of which remains under your sole responsibility.

    Attachment 1

    Attachment 2

    Attachment 3

    I declare that I have read and accepted the Personal Data Processing InformationRead